Hi, I’m Corentin, an AI Research Engineer in the Inria Flowers team. I have strong foundation in Machine Learning and Software Development, and I’m particularly interested in Reinforcement Learning, LLMs and Evolutionary Strategies. Currently I develop and study multi-agent systems, which involves building software to analyze text evolution in populations of LLMs and creating a multi-agent simulator in Jax.
I hold a Master’s degree in Cognitive and Computer Sciences from ENSC (GPA 4.0), complemented by exchange programs in AI. I also interned at Connectiv-IT as a Data Scientist, and at Inria between Flowers and Mnemosyne teams, where I conducted research on Reinforcement Learning, RNNs and Evolutionary Strategies.
Among a lot of other things, I love sport and play volley-ball at a national level. Our team in Bordeaux placed 3rd in the 2023 French University Championship !
You can download my resume here
Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions, projects or collaborations in mind !
- Email : corentin.lger@gmail.com
- LinkedIn : corentin-l
- GitHub : corentinlger